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Young Family

Family In Mind Is Here for You

Home: Welcome

Our Mission

With highly skilled professional experts here to help our clients’ needs, Family In Mind cares about going the extra mile to help families in and around West Norfolk. We help young people and families with :

Stress and Worry

Trouble sleeping

Problems at school

Identifying if further professional assessment is needed

Distressing thoughts and behaviour




Relationship breakdown


Signposting to relevant services/advice

Information on disorders/learning difficulties/medicines


Our Services are available to anyone, to request them simply contact us via the button below. 



Holding Hands
Counsel & Advice
Home: Our Mission

Specific Disorders

  • ADHD

  • Self Harm 

  • Learning Disorders 

  • Behaviour Disorders

  • ASD 


amongst other Disorders or Behaviours, contact one of the team to find out more or for free advice.

Home: Our Values

"My son is diagnosed with ADHD . As he got older he became more difficult to get along with. My husband found it very hard to talk to him and they had nothing in common, they often ended up shouting at eachother. It made my life a misery. I felt stuck in the middle all the time. Then my daughter began having emotional problems too and she started self harming. We did not know how to help them and our family was falling apart. Nichola provided us with a lot of information on ADHD and emotional difficulties. She helped us get to know their triggers and how to handle it when they were struggling and communicate with both our children better. She also helped my husband and I to feel supportive of eachother again and feel close again. We were also given information on other services and support we could access. I cannot thank her enough for giving me back my family."

Susan Davis

Home: Testimonials

Areas of Difficulty

We will support your family in identifying the issues that you are struggling with. Helping you understand them and assist with solutions.

Winter Fashion

Triggers and De-escalation

We will help you identify triggers of unwanted behaviour in order to de-esculate the situation before the unwanted behaviour begins. We will train you to work a variety of strategies and give you the tools to achieve de-escalation. We will also train you in ways to maximise cope during times of unwanted behaviour.


We support your family to communicate with each other. This includes the fundamentals such as listening skills and ways of communicating effectively and alleviate any family issues.

Mother and Son
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Boy Jumping into Water

About Us

How We Got Started

Family in Mind has been created by Nichola Hopson, Nichola has over 14 years personal experiance helping individuals and families in and around West Norfolk. Through 1to1 consultations, meetings and training we are able to indentify the needs of the client, and then recommend and implement a series of solutions to help alleviate any issues the parents have with their children.

Contact us today for a free consultation!

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